Teacher Guide ENGLISH - GRADE 1



The new primary curriculum-2,059 has place9 English language a~ one of the main subjects to meet its increasing demand~ It is introduced from grade one nation wide from tl_1e school.
year 2060 BS
This book ·has b~en d~signed to ~elp primary English teachers to conduct classroom activities prescri]l.ed in My :Engl·ish Book OJie in full compliance·-with,riew .. prin:tary ~urriculum. The primary curricull:lm·-tays emphasis on oral skills: listening and ·speal<in·g .. 1!1 other words,, the curriculum is based on fu-nctional or communicative approach: Students, .participating in role 'plays and. other simulated ac~ivities, is not the essence-of communi~ative approach. They should rather use English in real s~tuation. ·Until and unle.ss English is used., it-cannot . pe leatnt in real sense. Hence, it is expected that the frequ¢ntly qsed class room-expressions will be a great-advantage to the te<lchers~ The -maiil intention of present prim-ary English . curriculum is to cater to the imm~diate needs of.children learning. English imd building a . t ba~ic foundation for tb,eir future . studies-in and through English. M~reover, it aim.s at ~ I . developing a comprehensive commut1icatiVe compete_nce on the part of learners The main objectives of this book are .. to: ; ,. ... ' ' ·t ~ • • _Help t~achersto 4se the .. new textbook effectively . . ' j • • < • • • • Make teaching/leaming.a.. fun,and enhance teachet~s coilfidence . - . ~ . - . • Familiarize teachers with. the new approaches, techniques and termin.ologies of
language teaching.'""" • .Suggest teachers alternative ways of teaching . ·1 ~ ~· • ·Asst.st.teachers to plan_lesson_s and m~e them· aware of assessing students~ perfonnance ·' .. - :. . .; - This book has cle~rly divided the·units and-exercises·to be taught in one period. This does' not mean. that yotf sho.uld str,ictly follow the- teaching periods. Teachers can reorganize the . • + ' • : • . ·' . · · te'aching· units_ depending on the ~tudents' progr~s~ and the. time frame s/h~ can -use in--the ,..·. . ·_ . ··academic year. At the end· of each' unit some guidelines-for ~tudent's assessment are given. . . . \ In some cases Nepali Iariguage has also been used to make it easier. for the teachers. · . . ' . . : . This .. bbok was written by Mf~ Bishnu ~sad Par.ajuli, Mr. Madhu Upadhaya, Mr. l3harat . '· . . ·t ~ . . - . Babu Khan~l and MS~. Urmila a~aQdhir. 'It's typing and ·Iayout was done by Mr. An,il K~ld.Curriculum Devel'op'mentCenier expresses sincere gratitude to thos~ ~ho provided • I ' -' valu·able help anrl suggestions in developing this bonk. Suggestions and ideas for improving ' .· th~ bool\ in the future ·editions ate ~ways w~lcome.-· ·
'. August, 2006. ., Publisher
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